By Dimitri Van Gaever, Xeikon

Benefits of digital wallpaper

Interior designers have relied on wallpaper for centuries to add colour, texture and patterns to spaces, but turned to paint whenever they wanted to create large one-of-a-kind murals. Meanwhile, technology did not stand still. Recent developments in digital printing have opened up a whole new world of possibilities to bring empty walls to life with breath-taking designs. Even if you’re one of those people who have a love-hate relationship with wall coverings, there is no denying the many benefits of digital wallpaper.

Eliminating dead stock

Business-wise, digital wallpaper is particularly interesting as well because it requires no stock. Ideal for short runs, digital enables you to print no more than needed for a single order or project and still make a profit. Some designers are even mixing analogue and digital by taking dead stock and digitally printing on top of it with new and trendy designs.

So long, repetitive wallpaper patterns

With digital printing, wallpaper designers no longer have to repeat patterns every so many inches. This breaking out of the box of repeats is exciting to say the least, as it makes anything possible. High-resolution photo wallpaper and large-scale designs are no longer an issue, and, since digital printing requires no rollers, digital wallpaper can have any colour imaginable. What’s more, colour gradients without hard lines are now possible, too.
Hello, customized wallpaper

Modern consumers with a taste for interior design don’t like settling for off the rack. And they don’t have to, thanks to digital printing. Because digital wallpaper manufacturers don’t have to sit on stock, they can easily print custom wallpaper on demand. And with all the easy-to-remove substrates available for digital printing today, trend-sensitive consumers can even change their wallpaper just like they change their wardrobe every season.
Digital Printed Wallpaper

Wall Decoration Suite

You can produce a wide variety of high-quality wall decoration products in short runs with our Xeikon Wall Decoration Suite – and do this in a profitable way. As an all-in solution – a Suite in Xeikon lingo – we make optimal advantage of digital printing technology to help you meet the challenges in your market.