
The enhanced facility is an important step in boosting awareness of what’s possible with stronger collaboration between designers, printers and finishers

Art Laminating and Finishing, LLC, a full-service custom print finisher in Atlanta, GA, has unveiled its brand-new Sample and Resource Center, upgrading its 300sq ft. sample showroom to a state-of-the-art facility of more than 1000 sq. ft. The experiential redesign will bridge the finishing knowledge gap between print providers and print buyers, uniting the ‘Create, Print, Finish’ processes for more efficient, cost-effective and higher quality finished print products.

In the exhibition "Cylinder & Bots" by the Düsseldorf artist duo Banz & Bowinkel, which was presented in Berlin until the end of June, Augmented Reality (AR) forms the focal point: it connects real space with computer-generated avatars that meet in several animated situations. The avatars, developed by the two artists in collaboration with the "Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin", show various performances. The floor plays an important role in this staging: Vinyl prints on the floor serve as markers on which the figures, which are only visible through the AR application, follow different choreographies and orient themselves within them. "The photo floors serve as markers or trackers for the augmentation, which means that the app developed by Banz & Bowinkel recognizes the pattern and interactively inserts the avatars and bots onto it," explains Giulia Bowinkel.

Stellar print-on-demand quality and customer satisfaction planned for 2019 and 2020
Spreadshirt, the self-expression global e-commerce company plans to invest a total of up to $10 million on capital expenditures over the next 2 years. The company will renew and enlarge its printing machinery to handle increased demand and to expand into new categories. In addition, it will set new standards in print quality and delivery times.

New product applications, combined with digital technology-driven printing techniques including speciality inks and advanced printheads, have opened up a range of creative expressions for DTO cylindrical printing. Even better, the process is now highly automated, with impressive quality, at a more cost-effective price point.

Direct-to-object cylindrical printing is a comparatively new technique in which a device directly lays ink onto a spinning, curved surface at a rapid pace. Printing

Triain Moldovan from Austria has won FESPA’s World Wrap Masters Series Final at FESPA Global Print Expo 2019, which took place from 14 to 17 May at Messe Munich in Germany.
The World Wrap Masters competition, sponsored by Hexis, Mimaki, Wrap Gear and Car Wrapper 3D, ran throughout the year and concluded with two competitions: Wrap Masters Europe and the World Wrap Masters Series Final.

Decorative surfaces must be produced quickly and flexibly in the desired quality and at a reasonable price. For over a decade, attempts have been made to achieve these goals in industrial digital printing on decorative paper with water-based inks – so far without success. One of the main reasons for this was that neither the machine and plant manufacturers nor the printhead manufacturers applied their respective expertise together to foster industrial development. This has now changed: thanks to the development partnership between Hymmen and RICOH, manufacturers of digitally printed decorative paper now have a strong technology team at their side.

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