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Ever since GMG was founded in 1984, the fascination with colors has stuck to the company and eventually led to its specialization in color management. GMG as a brand stands for more than just excellent color management solutions. Making its customers happy is one of the major objectives at the German based business. That is why GMG gives insight into a longstanding collaboration with one of those clients through a joint project with Lösch, who rely on GMG solutions since over 13 years.

“We strive to achieve the best results in our customer’s work,” remarks Johannes Betz, Head of Marketing and Academy of GMG. “It’s our goal to deliver the highest quality possible through our solutions. The benefits our customers get by using GMG Solutions are simple, but effective: Most notably, they save time. Time that they can use to finish more jobs and yet be able to stay within the same high standards they are used to. Ultimately, this leads to more productivity without having to accept any quality losses.”
With its headquarter in Tuebingen, Germany, and subsidiaries in UK, US, China and Japan, GMG is a leading developer and global supplier of high-end color management software solutions. More than 12,000 systems in use bare witness of over 35 years of experience in the graphical arts industry and 150 employees worldwide provide both their knowledge and their passion for color to GMG’s customers.
Lösch itself is a creative agency, originated in Waiblingen and with locations in Hamburg, Stuttgart and Cologne. Lösch’s expertise lies in communication media, providing high quality solutions for a varying clientele. Their currently 60 employees accompany processes that involve creation and production as well as technological implementation. Like GMG, Lösch can benefit from more than three decades of experience – and for the past 13 years, Lösch has depended on GMG Solutions when doing their daily work.
“Implementing GMG Solutions in our workflow was a big milestone in practically everything that has to do with color,” comments Florian Lutz, Managing Director of Lösch. “When we started testing GMG Solutions, we learned very quickly that we will want to use them in the creation part as well as in production – and when we started to do that, our efficiency enhanced tremendously.”
The ideal solution for Lösch is a combination of GMG products in their workflow. To prepare the images for color corrections and retouching, they are using GMG ColorPlugin for Adobe Photoshop. Time consuming corrections can be automated with the plugin to save time and gain quality. For an accurate and reliable output simulating the press result, they are using GMG ColorProof. With the proofs of the artworks and the product as a reference, they can fine tune their retouching and corrections to reach an exact color match. GMG ProofControl completes the process. With a fast and efficient verification, the proof becomes a legal-binding contract proof.

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