The IBS-100 (Intelligent Bar Sensor - 100 % full inspection) is the first product to be launched following the asset acquisition of INTRO International by Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC).
This unique, innovative system enables 100% full inspection and can be combined with existing register and density measurement and control software from QIPC. This means that image-based density control, colour register control and perforation, cut-off control or side-lay control of the complete image can now be done with 100% full inspection. For the convenience of operators, via web-viewing, everything is fully visible during the printing process. The product is the first of its kind worldwide: never before has a supplier been able to combine so many functionalities in a single bar sensor. The first-ever joint product developed by QIPC using INTRO International’s technology will be showcased to a much wider audience at DRUPA 2016.