Whether in private homes or large scale commercial projects, a personalised interior design has never been in such high demand as it is today. For interior designers, shopfitters and booth builders, printable wall coverings offer a cost-efficient way of giving interiors that eye-catching finish.
Sensational promotion or long-lasting wall design
When selecting the medium, it is vital to plan ahead. Whether long-term wall design in hotels and other interiors or short-term promotion at the point of sale – there are suitable wall coverings for any purpose.
High-tack wallpapers offer powerful adhesive formulas, ideal for semi-permanent or permanent installations. For short- to medium-term campaigns, for example at the point of sale, there are products that can be quickly removed without leaving any residue.
The look of real wallpaper paired with the creative freedom of graphics films
Whether opting for geometric designs, advertising messages or landscape photography, almost any design can be applied to printable wallpaper. This presents an enormous potential for interior designers.
Depending on the product, the wallpapers feature textures just like regular wallpapers do, ranging from woodchip to linen. In terms of the compatible printing technologies, Neschen offers printable wallpapers for nearly all inks, ranging from UV-curing inks to latex and solvent inks. In the shop fitting industry, digitally printable wall coverings not only score with their versatility: Many wall coverings are ideal for public areas because they are washable, abrasion-resistant and durable. This makes them ideal for high-traffic areas such as shopping malls.
How printable wall coverings transform interiors
A homage to Portugal’s best coffee: Neschen‘s wallpaper at the Hotel Pestana Porto – A Brasileira
Porto’s newest luxury hotel gives its guests a glimpse into a rich history: The Hotel Pestana Porto – A Brasileira is built in the famous A Brasileira Café, the first to serve coffee in a cup in the early 20th century. Renowned for the slogan „The best coffee comes from A Brasileira“, it has a special past. The 5-star hotel still features the buildings’ original architectural elements and boasts 115 years of history. The rooms‘ themes are all tied to the spices and products imported during the Portuguese maritime expansion during the 15th and 16th century.
Digitally printable wall coverings are a perfect medium for these types of applications: The wall designs fully transform the look and feel of hotel rooms, restaurants and retail areas while being cost-efficient.
Since interior designers and shop fitters are free in selecting any design, printable wall coverings are more and more appreciated as a sophisticated design element for interiors.
Colour-coordinated interiors made easy
The interior banquet hall of the uspcale Altay Hotel in Barnaul, Russia features this wall design by WALLART printing studio, using Neschen performance wallpaper smooth.
The paper is „brushable“ when printed with UV-curable inks, a requirement for most commercially used spaces.
Art deco with a twist
In a 200-year old historic building in Gödöllö a small town near Budapest, Hungary, the interior of the movie theather received a whole new look thanks to printable wall coverings.
The designer’s plan was to combine an art deco style with a modern twist, while featuring historic pictures of Hollywood history and the story of Gödöllo. Life Print Kft. decided to use Neschen UVprint wallpaper 170 in combination with HP latex printing technology.
Eco friendliness – an increasingly important factor
Just as in many other sectors, the interior design market is moving more and more towards green products. In regards to printable wallpapers, this means focussing increasingly on PVC-free solutions.
For Neschen, this meant developing the “Green Wall” range of wallpapers, which are not only PVC- but also solvent-free.