The international Felix Schoeller Group from Osnabrück is responding to the corona-induced weakening demand from the market with a bundle of measures. The company has adapted its capacities for the production of specialty papers. In the German plants, short-time work is implemented across the board following the Easter holidays. Approximately 2,100 employees are affected by the 3,600 employees worldwide. The Chinese joint venture is giving positive signals. Production is currently being resumed in the Chinese plants.
Order decline is cushioned
After the Felix Schoeller Group started 2020 on schedule, it is increasingly feeling the effects of the corona pandemic on the markets. Incoming orders are declining, which has an impact on the occupancy of the machines. The company is preparing for this by specifically shutting down paper machines and finishing units.
In order to react flexibly to the changed demand, short-time work was registered in the German plants. “The current sales situation poses great challenges for us. We react to this by flexibly adapting our production volume to demand. In this way we create important conditions for the further economic stability of the company, ”says Hans-Christoph Gallenkamp.
Felix Schoeller Group flexibly adjusts production volume to demand
Comprehensive measures to protect employees.
“The protection of our employees is our top priority. We took a number of measures early on to reduce the risks of infection with Covid-19, ”says Hans-Christoph Gallenkamp, CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the Felix Schoeller Group. The company has adopted an activity plan for all German locations, strengthened hygiene standards, expanded cleaning chains, and set rules for meetings and social interaction. A large number of employees work from home on the go.
China is showing the first signs of recovery
The Felix Schoeller Group is optimistic about the development in China. “We also see the first signs of a recovery in the market in our joint venture in China. After a good two months of reduced production, our plants are picking up speed again, ”reports Hans-Christoph Gallenkamp. All machines of the Chinese joint venture have been producing according to plan again since March 2020.